Globally, women account for over 50% of all people living with HIV. This is why it's important to amplify women’s voices and ensure they have access to care, treatment and prevention strategies.
However, women and their experiences of HIV are often overlooked. At ViiV Healthcare, we want to change this. We aim to promote understanding and foster an equitable society by sharing HIV stories from women around the world.
Throughout this page, you’ll hear from women living with HIV whose stories can inspire and empower others to live authentic and healthy lives. By sharing their HIV stories, women can help change the narrative, break down the stigma, and help build a world where everyone is treated with dignity and respect regardless of their HIV status.1
But first, listen to Dr. Nneka Nwokolo, Head of Global Patient Engagement, being interviewed in Australia about how important it is for women to be able to make their own choices when it comes to living with HIV.
Xiana’s story
Xiana is an HIV-positive woman who shares her story following an HIV diagnosis. As she explains in the video, her journey may have started with internal stigma and fear, but with support from friends and healthcare providers, Xiana is now proactive in her HIV care. Her levels of HIV are undetectable as a result, and undetectable means untransmittable (U=U).
Taking ownership of your HIV status can help overcome internal stigma and negative feelings.2 For other HIV-positive women, stories like Xiana’s can be an inspiration and help them realise that happy, fulfilling lives are perfectly possible after an HIV diagnosis.
Helen’s story
After her HIV diagnosis, Helen navigated some difficult personal challenges. A single mother whose husband had died and who had to separate from her child, Helen turned to her friends and healthcare providers for help. She has since taken control of her diagnosis and treatment and refuses to let HIV define her.
HIV stories from women like Helen will hopefully help other mothers take ownership of their condition, take treatment consistently, and live long, fulfilling lives where they can watch their children grow.
Winnie’s story
Winnie works as a Community Mentor Mother for mothers2mothers (m2m) in Uganda. She is living with HIV and has recently given birth to an HIV-negative baby due to the support and treatment advice she received from other m2m mentor mothers.
As a Community Mentor Mother, Winnie teaches other HIV-positive expectant mothers how to live a happy, healthy life alongside their baby.
For mothers living with HIV, women’s stories like the one shared by Winnie can hopefully bring optimism and inspire resilience.
Being pregnant and HIV positive: Victoria’s story
Victoria was diagnosed with HIV at her 9-week ultrasound scan. She is now an active social media presence, and her mission is to debunk myths and misconceptions about living with HIV.
Victoria owns her HIV status, doesn’t listen to negative judgements, and wants other mums with HIV to do the same. As part of her involvement in ViiV’s HIV in View campaign, she wants people to keep talking about HIV and be vocal about the virus without letting it define them.
Doreen’s story
Doreen doesn’t want ‘a tiny virus’ like HIV to define her. So, she uses the phrase “I am a beautiful story” to describe that she is so much more than her HIV diagnosis.
Doreen was born with HIV. She has aged and grown up with the virus.
As part of the HIV In View campaign, Doreen’s mission is to challenge internal stigma and societal stigma and to help people heal and avoid self-sabotage.
HIV stories from women like Doreen remind everyone that HIV doesn’t stand in the way of achieving your ambitions, dreams, and aspirations. You can live a full, happy life after an HIV diagnosis.
Zulaika’s story
At only 19 years old, Zulaika helps other teens get tested for HIV, combat HIV stigma, and adhere to their treatment.
Zulaika herself is living with HIV and working as a Young Adolescent Peer with The AIDS Support Organisation (TASO). TASO helps bridge the gap between health facilities and the community to increase young people’s access to HIV prevention and care services, such as self-testing, treatment, and psychosocial support in Uganda.
Loy’s story
Loy is a 15-year-old mum living with HIV. At just 15 years of age, Loy mentors other parents in her role as Mentor Mother for Community Health Alliance Uganda (CHAU). CHAU has helped Loy and many other young women living with HIV to become financially independent by creating small businesses and helping them save money for their daily necessities. Loy helps young women in Uganda avoid transactional sex and empowers them financially. She also supports young mothers and refers them to health services when needed.
Luvo’s story
Luvo is an inspiring HIV activist. She is a peer counsellor and advocate for Positive Action's partner - HER Voice Fund. Luvo explores what more can be done to empower young women living with HIV to overcome the challenges that impact their health in South Africa. As an HIV activist, she wants to know what tools young adolescent girls need to combat stigma and be treated fairly in a just, equitable society. She thinks that, by connecting and sharing each other’s HIV stories, women can feel empowered to talk about their HIV status and become an integral part of society. Read more about how Luvo empowers young women to have a meaningful voice when it comes to decisions impacting their health and ultimately, their lives.
HIV-positive transgender women: Rebecca’s story
Rebecca Tallon de Havilland is a Trans Program Coordinator at HIV Ireland and partner in our HIV In View campaign. Rebecca, who is also a peer support worker and CEO at Project Bootcamp, understands the importance of creating support networks for transgender women living with HIV.
As a trans woman living with HIV for over 30 years, Rebecca has experienced significant stigma throughout her life. In her words, she experienced a “double whammy:” HIV stigma and transphobic attitudes. She believes that sharing her story and her truths with people worldwide will empower others to live their colourful lives, at any age. To eradicate HIV, no person can be left behind, and Rebecca would like to challenge the view that HIV affects only one type of person.

- National Aids Trust (NAT), Positive voices survey, Changing Perceptions: Talking about HIV and attitudes. Accessed 15/11/2023, Available at:
- Rael CT, Carballo-Diéguez A, Norton R, et al. Identifying Strategies to Cope with HIV-Related Stigma in a Group of Women Living with HIV/AIDS in the Dominican Republic: A Qualitative Study. AIDS Behav. 2017;21(9):2589-2599. doi:10.1007/s10461-016-1654-9
- Waldron EM, Burnett-Zeigler I, Wee V, et al. Mental Health in Women Living With HIV: The Unique and Unmet Needs. J Int Assoc Provid AIDS Care. 2021;20:2325958220985665. doi:10.1177/2325958220985665
- Jolle J, Kabunga A, Okello TO, et al. HIV-related stigma experiences and coping strategies among pregnant women in rural Uganda: A qualitative descriptive study. PLoS One. 2022;17(10):e0272931. Published 2022 Oct 7. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0272931
- Vranda MN, Mothi SN. Psychosocial Issues of Children Infected with HIV/AIDS. Indian J Psychol Med. 2013;35(1):19-22. doi:10.4103/0253-7176.112195
- Namukwaya S, Paparini S, Seeley J, Bernays S. "How Do We Start? And How Will They React?" Disclosing to Young People with Perinatally Acquired HIV in Uganda. Front Public Health. 2017;5:343. Published 2017 Dec 13. doi:10.3389/fpubh.2017.00343
- Turan JM, Elafros MA, Logie CH, et al. Challenges and opportunities in examining and addressing intersectional stigma and health. BMC Med. 2019;17(1):7. Published 2019 Feb 15. doi:10.1186/s12916-018-1246-9
- White Hughto JM, Reisner SL, Pachankis JE. Transgender stigma and health: A critical review of stigma determinants, mechanisms, and interventions. Soc Sci Med. 2015;147:222-231. doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2015.11.010
- Magno L, Silva LAVD, Veras MA, Pereira-Santos M, Dourado I. Stigma and discrimination related to gender identity and vulnerability to HIV/AIDS among transgender women: a systematic review. Estigma e discriminação relacionados à identidade de gênero e à vulnerabilidade ao HIV/aids entre mulheres transgênero: revisão sistemática. Cad Saude Publica. 2019;35(4):e00112718. doi:10.1590/0102-311X00112718