Antoinette is an ASO Peer Specialist and movie buff in Atlanta, Georgia. The 24-year-old contracted HIV from her mother when she was born. Childhood memories of friends not being allowed to play around her cultivated a fear of revealing her status. By educating herself, she developed confidence and went on to become an advocate.

Emelinda is a Patient Financial Representative and jewelry artist in Clearwater, Florida. The 44-year-old contracted HIV through unprotected sex with a long-term partner. Despite some early negative reaction from one family member, she has the support of her family and is now strong, open and honest about her status.

Ja’Mel is a professional ad guy who loves reading and cooking and lives in Atlanta, Georgia. The 31-year-old transgender male experienced stigma early on when he was not allowed to enroll in school because of his HIV status. Even his college roommate initially requested to be transferred. Today, he advocates for HIV education and is still friends with that roommate.