Find out how we're partnering with communities across the world to fight HIV stigma and support people living with HIV...

When discussing people engaging in chemsex, it is crucial that we approach the topic with a pro-pleasure and sex-positive mentality that is free of judgement. This is key to creating a safe and healthy environment that enables people to participate in consensual and fulfilling sexual experiences.

In this article, Mercy Shibemba shares her hopes and aspirations for the future. She reflects on how living with HIV shaped her childhood and how her concept of healthy living may shift as she gets older.

In this article, Garry Brough shares his personal experience of ageing with HIV and his thoughts with respect to improving quality of life and the role that treatment can play, along with some key advice that we would share with his younger self and other people living with HIV.

This White paper examines the efforts of six Asian territories to end the HIV epidemic and improve care and quality of life for people living the condition.

Luvo Sobuza, peer counsellor and advocate for Positive Action’s partner - HER Voice Fund, explores what more can be done to equip and empower young women living with HIV with the tools to overcome challenges impacting their health in South Africa and beyond

As someone living with HIV, you will face challenges throughout your life, but you are strong and you will overcome every hurdle to build the life you want.

At a time when the global HIV community is convening for the 23rd International AIDS Conference, we invited HIV advocate and Community Facilitator Martha Clara Nakato from the Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR Alliance Uganda) who is also the Community of Action Facilitator for the WE LEAD program in Uganda and a former HER Voice Fund Ambassador, to share her insight on tackling the challenges young women living with HIV in Africa face and the role that partnerships have in the response

As Positive Action marks its 30th year, the need for investment and partnership in communities living with and affected by HIV has never been greater

A long term goal that involves everyone in the community working together to shape a better healthcare future for all.

Hear from some of the grantees who were part of our Global HIV and COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund

To celebrate World’s Aids Day 2020, we collaborated with Shutterstock Studios to produce ‘HIV in View’, a first-of-its-kind HIV Gallery which portrays images of real people living with HIV around the world. Images are available to the public for free.

Positively Thriving is a new podcast series supported by ViiV Healthcare that helps to redefine what living with HIV means and aims to inspire others to live long, healthy, happy lives with HIV.

The statistics show that one in seven new HIV infections worldwide is attributed to adolescents, yet young people living with HIV remain one of the most vulnerable and at-risk populations and are often overlooked in global health agendas.

It is shocking to think that without treatment, half of infants living with HIV die before their second birthday, according to UNAIDS. This is a heart-breaking truth and we urgently need to change this.

It is on us as individuals and communities to speak up, start the hard conversations, and be part of the solution that removes the stigma around HIV.


Discover how we work with leading researchers and academic groups to innovate and bring the best science to HIV treatment, prevention and care.

Explore our work with NGOs, HCPs, regulatory authorities, HIV clinics and the wider medical community to help ensure people living with HIV get the most effective care globally.

Read about the experiences of people living with HIV with explanation and segmentation of data from the Positive Perspectives - Waves 1 and 2 studies. Positive Perspectives is one of the largest, global, HIV patient-reported outcomes studies to date.

NP-GBL-HVX-COCO-220070 | March 2024

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