Health disparities are avoidable and unfair differences in the health of people, and they cost us all.
Resolving this persistent problem is the central focus of Achieving health equity: a roadmap to eliminating disparities, a report sponsored by ViiV Healthcare and conducted by Economist Impact, which explores the opportunities that eliminating health disparities in the UK and US over the next 20 years could create and identifies the necessary actions to achieve this vision.
Attention has been given to health disparities for a long time, but inequities in health continue to be a worsening problem, with real measurable impacts on individuals and societies that prevent broader progress.. The COVID-19 pandemic has further exposed and made worse existing health disparities, while also serving as a wake-up call to leaders, health systems, and other stakeholders to the threat that disparities pose to individuals, communities, and society.
What if we could achieve health equity in the UK and US? What opportunities could that create?
Achieving health equity: a roadmap to eliminating disparities focuses on addressing health disparities through the lens of several disease areas defined by their inequity in outcomes: HIV and sexually transmitted infections (STIs), mental health, and COVID-19. The report breaks from previous efforts by laying out a roadmap that identifies the role of individual stakeholders in achieving health equity and describes the concrete actions that they can take to address disparities

The cost of health disparities
Environment and neighbourhood can contribute to health inequity
Every case of inequity is a failure, a failure that costs individuals financially, exacts a physical toll on their body, a mental toll on their psyche, and steals years that could be spent with loved ones.
A failure also represents a course that can be adjusted. Addressing health disparities is an urgent moral, social, and economic priority, and the time for action is now.

Health disparities exact immense costs on society through increased medical expenses and lost productivity
Resolving the persistent problem of health disparities is the central focus of Achieving health equity: a roadmap to eliminating disparities, a report sponsored by ViiV Healthcare and conducted by Economist Impact.
Health disparities 101 - learn more about the factors that can have an impact on people’s health.
Read more about the core groups of stakeholders who have the potential to directly influence health disparities.
Read more about the program’s targets and how it helps progress equity in HIV prevention and care.
Read more about IAPT’s incentives and how equity is used as a catalyst to improve mental health outcomes.
Nneka Nwokolo, Director, Patient Affairs and M. Keith Rawlings, Senior Medical Director, ViiV Healthcare reflects on health disparities in the UK and US, and what needs to change.
If you get any side effects, talk to your doctor, pharmacist, or nurse. This includes any possible side effects not listed in the package leaflet. You can also report side effects directly via the GSK Reporting Tool link By reporting side effects, you can help provide more information on the safety of this medicine.
If you are from outside the UK, you can report adverse events to GSK/ ViiV by selecting your region and market, here.