There are different types of HIV medicines available — all of which are designed to help you live a long and healthy life. Like all drugs, HIV medicines can sometimes cause side effects. It’s important to understand what these side effects may be, and how best to manage them.[1]


Common side effects usually occur as your body adjusts to a new medication. They can sometimes cause mild to serious side effects.[2] It’s key to remember that overall, the benefits of taking HIV medications far outweigh the risk of side effects.[2,3]

Side effects from HIV medications vary from person to person, and from medication to medication. Some side effects are generally short-term, e.g. they only last a few days or weeks, but others are more long-term.[1] Longer-term side effects are less common than short-term side effects.[2]

Short-term side effects from HIV medications

Short-term side effects can include things such as:[2,3]




Changes in mood

Feeling or being sick


Sleep disturbances



Long-term side effects can appear months or years after you start taking a medication, and they can take a while to develop. Some HIV medications can increase the risk of longer-term side effects developing.

Longer-term side effects can include:[2,4]

Bone density issues

An increased risk of heart disease

High cholestrol

Liver and kidney problems

Changes to body fat

Metabolic changes

If you have concerns about long-term side effects or your health, you should talk to your healthcare team. You and your doctor can work together to find a treatment combination that is right for you.

Having open and honest conversations with your healthcare provider ensures that you can tackle the difficult questions together, putting your satisfaction, adherence, and long-term health goals first.

Serious allergic reactions to HIV medications

Though very rare, some people may develop a serious allergic reaction to certain HIV medications. In some cases, possible serious allergic reactions can be avoided by precautionary testing. These reactions can be dangerous, so it's crucial to discuss the potential signs, like a rash with a fever, with your doctor.[3]

You should contact your doctor (or A&E if out of hours) immediately if you experience any symptoms suggesting that you might be having an allergic reaction to a drug. If this happens, you should contact your healthcare provider straight away.[5]

Does everyone experIence sIde effects from HIV medIcatIons?

Not everyone will experience side effects, additionally, most side effects from HIV medications are mild. If you do experience side effects, then there are different treatment options available, so you can look to change your medication regime for one which better suits you.[5]

We believe that all people living with HIV should have the choice of options that best suit their individual needs.

It’s important to monitor any side effects that you experience, and that you communicate closely with your healthcare team so that you can minimise their impact on your life. The monitoring of side effects could be part of your routine care provided by your healthcare team, depending on which country you live in.[5]

How to manage the sIde effects of HIV medIcatIons

Before you start any HIV medications, you should discuss your treatment and possible side effects with your doctor. During these discussions, the doctor should:[4]

  • Let you know what side effects to look out for
  • Provide you with information on how to manage any side effects
  • Make sure you understand what happens if you experience any rare, but serious side effects, such as an allergic reaction

If you experience any side effects, it may help to write down your experiences, so you can discuss them with your doctor. Try to include as much information as possible,
such as:

  • What side effects did you experience?
  • How often and how long did you experience them for?
  • How severe were they? For example, did they stop you from doing any everyday activities or make you miss an event?
  • Did you try anything to alleviate the symptoms? If so, did it work?

Your doctor will be able to discuss your personalised treatment plan and give you the best advice on managing any side effects. As most short-term side effects gradually lessen after time, there may be medications you can use to help with these, including painkillers for headaches and diarrhoea treatments.[5]

It’s also important to take your HIV medications correctly to reduce any side effect risks, e.g. some medications shouldn’t be taken too late in the evening, in case they disrupt your sleep.[5]


  1. NIH. HIV Medicines and Side Effects. Available from: [Accessed: September 2024] 
  2. AIDSMAP. Side-effects of HIV treatment. Available from: [Accessed: September 2024] 
  3. Clinical Info Adverse Effects of Antiretroviral Agents. Available from: [Accessed: September 2024] 
  4. NIH. Side Effects of HIV medicines. Available from: [Accessed: September 2024] 
  5. THT. Side effects. Available from: [Accessed: September 2024]

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Reporting of side effects

If you get any side effects, talk to your doctor, pharmacist, or nurse. This includes any possible side effects not listed in the package leaflet. You can also report side effects directly via the GSK Reporting Tool link By reporting side effects, you can help provide more information on the safety of this medicine.

If you are from outside the UK, you can report adverse events to GSK/ ViiV by selecting your region and market, here.