This study is an extension of The Peer Navigator Project (PNP) demonstration project. PLHIV peer navigators have been identified as a valued evidence-based intervention to increase engagement with treatment and care by helping people newly diagnosed with HIV overcome personal and systemic barriers. This can improve satisfaction with care, mental health and self-management skills.
The aim is to study the implementation of a Peer Navigator Program across up to six different clinical healthcare environments and assess the acceptability, adaptability, and sustainability of the strategies, and the effectiveness of these strategies in regard to patient and service outcomes.

This is a non-randomised opt-in peer navigator service. To assess peer navigator program effectiveness (quality of life, healthcare engagement, resilience, health literacy, and treatment attitudes) and implementation outcomes (such as acceptability, adoption, feasibility, appropriateness, adaptability, fidelity, and cost), we will use a quasi-experimental multi-method and multi-informant assessment strategy including data from national cohort studies of PLHIV, as well as project conducted questionnaires, interviews, observation, and cost capture methods.
Primary objectives
- Increase in indicators of self-reported quality of life, healthcare engagement, resilience, health literacy, and treatment attitudes among PLHIV who access peer navigator service
- Acceptability and sustainability of the implementation of the peer navigation program to PLHIV clients, clinic staff, peer navigators and the peer organisation (Living Positive Victoria)
- Improved referral between clinical services and PLHIV peer programs
The Peer Navigator Implementation Science Demonstration Project has shown the potential value of peer navigation in supporting individuals’ early HIV journey, in coming to terms with a HIV diagnosis, and engaging valuable support.
The study showed that the peer navigation program:
- Improved linkage to peer support for newly diagnosed PLHIV.
- Was successful in reaching key populations of PLHIV, including those born overseas, women, and heterosexual men.
- Strengthened the transition into other peer and community-based services.
- Positively impacted factors related to participants’ quality of life and social wellbeing.
- The study further highlighted salient implementation lessons, including how the management of the program by a peer-led organisation with strong links to the PLHIV community contributed significantly to its effectiveness and sustainability.
Implementation success was believed to benefit from:
- A well-established engagement with the PLHIV community and the integration of other peer support programs and services.
- The promotion and incorporation of GIPA/MIPA* values at organisational, programmatic and partnership levels, including employment frameworks and policies.
- Employee supervision and support structures, spanning administrative, group and counselling.
- Mentorship and cross-support from colleagues living with HIV and additional employment and professional development opportunities for peer navigators.
* GIPA/MIPA - GIPA is the Greater Involvement of People living with HIV/AIDS. MIPA is the Meaningful Involvement or people living with HIV/AIDS care systems.
Dr. Graham Brown
La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia.
Hospital, community and private clinics Location Australia
Oct 2018 – May 2019
Retention in Care and Adherence
This initial demonstration project established the feasibility and viability of the implementation of a peer navigator program to support PLHIV.
In an effort to increase early diagnosis of HIV and improve linkage to care, this project evaluates the impact of a comprehensive training package to support opt out HIV testing.
In an effort to increase retention in care, this study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of phone calls from primary caregiver to retain HIV positive patients in care and within the same health care system.
NP-GBL-HVU-WCNT-210045 | March 2022
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