HIV in under-represented groups

People living with HIV are a diverse community comprising multiple under-represented groups.[1,2Achieving a good HRQoL for all people living with HIV means acknowledging the distinct differences in physical, mental and social health among each under-represented group.[15]

The Positive Perspectives Wave 2 study highlighted that different under-represented groups within the positive community experience significant unmet needs, which can differ based on age, gender or sexual orientation.[15]

Acknowledging and understanding the needs of under-represented groups is important for tailoring HIV care and narrowing disparities, to help ensure all people living with HIV can thrive with good HRQoL.[15]

Open dialogue could help identify and address the unmet needs of under-represented groups of people living with HIV[15]

Women in red plaid long sleeve shirt holding phone showing a mockup of the PozQoL Scale. Blurry lights in the background.

Focus on wellbeing with the PozQoL Digital Tool

Help people living with HIV focus on their wellbeing with the PozQoL Digital Tool – an easy-to-use way to help measure quality of life online.

Start PozQoL

The Positive Perspectives Wave 2 study was sponsored by ViiV Healthcare.

This study could not have been completed without people living with HIV who have generously shared their time, experiences, and bodies, for the purposes of this research. Much of the fight against HIV and AIDS relies upon people living with HIV continuing to put themselves forward and this research and our fight against HIV and AIDS is indebted to those past and present.


  1. ViiV Healthcare. Positive Perspectives Study, Wave 2 Results Report. June 2021. Available at: https://viivhealthcare.com/content/dam/cf-viiv/viiv-healthcare/en_GB/files/030821-updated-pp2-report-approved.pdf Accessed March 2024.
  2. Okoli C et al. Treatment experiences, perceptions towards sexual intimacy and child-bearing, and empowered decision making in care among women living with HIV. Presented at the 10th International Workshop on HIV & Women, Boston, MA, March 6-7, 2020.
  3. Short D et al. Clinical and sociodemographic characteristics associated with poor self-rated health across multiple domains among older adults living with HIV. Presented at the 23rd International AIDS Conference, July 6–8 2020; Virtual.
  4. Short D et al. Understanding the changing treatment concerns of older people living with HIV and difficulties with patient-provider communication. Presented at the 23rd International AIDS Conference, July 6-10, 2020.
  5. Okoli C et al. “What about me?” The unmet needs of men who have sex with women and differences in HIV treatment, experiences, perceptions, and behaviours by gender and sexual orientation in 25 countries. Poster P016 Presented at HIV Drug Therapy Glasgow 2020, October 5-8 2020, Virtual.

NP-AU-HVX-WCNT-220003 | Date of preparation: April 2024.